West Maui Sustainability

West Maui Sustainability
Meeting minutes, August 16, 2010

Attendees: Steve, Julia, Gordon, Caleb, Amy, Sanna

Review of last meeting (Steve)
Minutes approved 

Some community members that helped out with our school garden work day have been unable to get water for their five acres of bananas. Their water comes from another farmers reservoir who gets it from West Maui Land Co. This summer hasn't brought enough rain to keep the reservoir full but it should start filling up soon. Steve pointed out that the reservoir is probably full of silt and therefore won't be able to hold the maximum amount of water. Eve happens to know someone who cleans out reservoirs for free. We also talked about how there is a need for more reservoirs at both higher and lower elevations that could incorporate hydro power.

Princess Nahi'ena'ena
We had our first school garden work day on Saturday the 7th. About 15 showed up to plant 30 banana trees, lilies and palms. We had about seven different varieties of banana that came from Honokohau and Kahakuloa. The lilies and palms were also donated. James has also started terracing the hillside. Maui Eko is going to donate a truckload of compost, and the Hyatt has some potting material. We will keep you posted for the next group work day! Thanks everyone for your help!

Kamehameha III
Kamehameha III Elementary has asked us if we will help out with a garden at their school. Steve has been in contact with them and we will scope out the site hopefully by early next week. They would really like some dry land taro on property.

The next meeting will include a vermicomposting class taught by Theo. 
Please bring: 
1. one 9 gallon plastic tote box with a lid (if you're not sure what this is, google 
how to make a worm bin)
2. A 5" stack of newspaper or a large trash bag of shredded office paper
3. A plastic bag with kitchen scraps. All food is okay, except NO meat, NO dairy 
and NO citrus! Just a variety of food scraps for one week is sufficient. 
Samples include coffee grinds and filters, bread, plate scrapings, banana peels, 
spoiled fruit or veggies, outer leaves of veggies, egg shells. . . 

The next meeting will be our last one at the Napili location, after that we will meet at the Ambassadors of the Environment building at the ritz (old tennis club)

Maui county will be supplementing costs for photo voltaic classes.